Pronunciation: ak-'ti-v&-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
b : a similar process actually or potentially involving mental function; specifically : an educational procedure designed to stimulate learning by firsthand experience

Whether you plan to be indoors, outdoors, underwater or well above the clouds, let Pixel-Pro capture for you those activities in memory.  We have the equipment to shoot photo or video underwater, to high angle above the earth with lighting that will highlight the subject with brilliance.  If you are in need of high-speed photography or video that is crisp and clear, our technology and experience can capture those frames or sequences of video without fail.  We also offer the option of shooting these events in HD quality video as well as standard definition.

These services are great for activities such as snowshoeing, skiing, horseback riding, and snorkeling or anything else you have in mind.  Keeping activities indoors with cooking classes or clinics? We can shoot those as well and offer on-site printing!  Anything in the photography department needed to make your activities a hit will be available to you.

© Pixel-Pro Photography 2007